Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA On-The-Go and all affiliate podcasts will now go by PALTtalk. Explore the field of post-acute and long-term care, with expert interviews, journal article reviews, innovations news, and more. Statements made by guests on this podcast are their own opinions and are not necessarily the positions of the assocation. Speakers’ appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their views, or any entity they represent.

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Innokentiy (Kent) Bakaev, M.D. A geriatric specialist and medical director of long-term chronic care and the Rehabilitative Services Unit at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center in Boston. He joined Hebrew SeniorLife in 2017. He received his medical degree from Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russia, where he also did his internship in internal medicine. He completed his residency in family medicine at Oakland Physicians Medical Center in Michigan, affiliated with Wayne State University, and his geriatric medicine fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center with a rotation at Hebrew SeniorLife through the Harvard Medical School Multi-Campus Geriatric Fellowship.
I. Bakahev, MD, et. al., "A Sustainable Interdisciplinary Approach to the Appropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medication in Long-term Care", JAMDA, 1/2021.
Recorded on 3/03/2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
March 2021
In this episode Wayne Saltsman and Elizabeth Galik highlight the following articles:
Joanne Kaldy, “COVID-19 Vaccination in Nursing Homes: Trust in the Tunnel Will Help Staff See the Light at the End” (
Jeffrey Nicholls, MD, CMD, “Dear Dr. Jeff: The Nursing Home in The Community” (
Victoria Nalls, PhD, GNP-BC, CWS, ACHPN, “Palliative Wound Care for PALTC” (
With Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, Editor-in-Chief of CARING
Caring for the Ages
Recorded: March 3, 2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
COVID-19 Special Edition: Revisiting Vaccinations – Are We There Yet?
Special Guest: Leslie Beth Eber, MD, CMD
Hosted by: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Join special guest, Leslie Beth Eber, MD, CMD, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA's Journal Club, COVID-19 Special Edition: Revisiting Vaccinations – Are We There Yet?
Our learning objectives for this session were:
1. Address continued vaccine hesitancy and strategies to achieve vaccine confidence
2. Review the three options presented by CDC for continued vaccination in LTC
3. Discuss AMDA’s ongoing efforts to continue vaccination offerings in our facilities
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recorded: March 3, 2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Special Guests: Corinne Bishop, RN, CRRN, CRNI; Christopher Lemelle, MD, MBA
Hosted by: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Join special guests, Christopher Lemelle, MD, MBA; Corinne Bishop, RN, CRRN, CRNI; and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD; for this episode of FMDA's Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Monoclonal Antibody Use in PALTC.
Our learning objectives for this session were:
Review current perspective and current research related to the use of monoclonal antibodies
Discuss operational considerations when starting this treatment program in PALTC facilities
Describe the challenges and opportunities seen statewide and nationally with the delivery of this treatment in PALTC facilities
Recorded: February 24, 2021
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
This podcast will spotlight articles from the February 2021 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
J. Bethell, PhD, et. al., "Social Connection in Long-Term Care Homes: A Scoping Review of Published Research on the Mental Health Impacts and Potential Strategies During COVID-19", JAMDA, 2/2021.
A. Groenewoud, PhD, et. al., "Effects of an Integrated Palliative Care Pathway: More Proactive GPs, Well Timed, and Less Acute Care: A Clustered, Partially Controlled Before-After Study", JAMDA, 2/2021.
E. Vlaeyen, PhD, RN, et. al., "Predicting Falls in Nursing Homes: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study Comparing Fall History, Staff Clinical Judgment, the Care Home Falls Screen, and the Fall Risk Classification Algorithm", JAMDA, 2/2021.
R. Eramudugolla, DPsych, et. al., "On-Road Behavior in Older Drivers With Mild Cognitive Impairment", JAMDA, 2/2021.
Recorded on 2/15/2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Our learning objectives for this session are: 1. Review current state and national trends2. Provide clinical updates regarding vaccination distribution and administration3. Discuss our current understanding around COVID-19 variants and the impact they are having on COVID-19 treatments and vaccine effectiveness4. Discuss vaccine confidence and strategies to target vaccine hesitancy among residents, staff, and the greater population
Link to Powerpoint slides
Recorded On: 2/10/2021
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Interview with Marina Novack, RN, BSN, MSN, CRNA, who has worked with Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), since 2013 and is now the long-term care project coordinator for MSF-USA.
"COVID-19: Our Global response"
IPC & Wellness Tool Kit
Recorded on 2/05/2021
Available Credit:
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Special Guest: Pamela Scarborough, PT, DPT, CWS, FAAWC
Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Join special guest, Pamela Scarborough, PT, DPT, CWS, FAAWC, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA's Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Skin Manifestation.
Our learning objectives for this session were:
1. Call for action for specific COVID-19 skin related education;
2. Propagate awareness of COVID-19 skin manifestations in the medical and lay communities;
3. ICD-10 code for COVID-19 skin manifestations for proper reporting to CMS;
4. Collect meaningful numbers of specific skin manifestations of silent COVID-19 from the long-term care setting.
Recording Date: January 27, 2021
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
January-February 2021
In this episode Wayne Saltsman and Elizabeth Galik highlight the following articles:
Christine Kilgore, "Doctors Without Borders Lends a Gloved Hand to U.S. Nursing Homes" (
Steven Levenson, MD, CMD, "Clarifying and Improving the Role of the Psychiatric Consultant" (
Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals With Dementia" (
Christine Kilgore, "Doctors Without Borders Lends a Gloved Hand to U.S. Nursing Homes", CARING, 1/2021.
Steven Levenson, MD, CMD, "Clarifying and Improving the Role of the Psychiatric Consultant", CARING, 1/2021.
Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals With Dementia", CARING, 1/2021.
Recorded on 1/20/2021
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for FMDA's first Journal Club session of 2021, COVID-19 Impact: Today & Tomorrow.Our learning objectives for this session were:
Provide an in-depth State of the State for COVID-19 impact in the US and in Florida
Review rates of infection and strategies around identifying the new variant strain of COVID-19
Discuss Florida’s vaccination strategy and goals for achieving vaccination targets
Review the challenges we have seen around vaccine aversion and the ongoing opportunity to build vaccine confidence
Provide insight into the healthcare disparities seen within our nursing facilities and geriatric populations as it relates to COVID-19 infection rates and outcomes
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recorded on 1/13/2021
Available Credit 0.25 CMD-Clinical