
Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA On-The-Go and all affiliate podcasts will now go by PALTtalk. Explore the field of post-acute and long-term care, with expert interviews, journal article reviews, innovations news, and more. Statements made by guests on this podcast are their own opinions and are not necessarily the positions of the assocation. Speakers’ appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their views, or any entity they represent.

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Thursday Jan 14, 2021

This podcast will spotlight articles from the January 2021 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD; Dr. Joshua Nisnik
A. Grossi, MD, et. al. "Use of Alcohol in Long Term Care Settings: A Comparative Analysis of Personal Choice, Public Health Advice and the Law", JAMDA, 1/2021. 
V. Hernandez-Ruiz, MD, et. al. "Subcutaneous Antibiotic Therapy: The Why, How, Which Drugs and When", JAMDA, 1/2021.
M. Vu, MD, et. al., "Antihypertensive Deprescribing in Older Adult Veterans at End of Life Admitted to Veteran Affairs Nursing Homes", JAMDA, 1/2021.
Y. Rolland, MD, et. al. "Psychotropic Drug Consumption at Admission and Discharge of Nursing Home Residents", JAMDA, 1/2021.
J. D. Nisnik, PhD, et. al. "Are Nursing Home Residents With Dementia Appropriately Treated for Fracture Prevention?", JAMDA, 1/2021.
T. Dharmarahan, MD, et. al. "The Use and Misuse of Proton Pump Inhibitors: An Opportunity for Deprescribing", JAMDA, 1/2021.
Recorded on 12/13/2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Jan 11, 2021

Dr. Eric France, Chief Medical Officer of CDPHE will give an overview of Bamlinivimab and Regeneron, including operation Warp Speed’s new program Speed to shunt a large number of doses to LTC pharmacies for use in LTC, what the data shows so far about when to use it on whom, a high level overview of what is involved and hopefully we will have information available about where this could be accessed.  We intend to have input from Omnicare and Vivage to augment this presentation as well.
Recording Date: 1/1/2021
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

JAMDA On-The-Go | December 2020

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020

This podcast will spotlight articles from the December 2020 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
Joeke van Santen, MSc et. al."Effects of Exergaming on Cognitive and Social Function of People with Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial", JAMDA, 11/2020. "
Christine Kistler, MD, MASc, et. al. "The Winter Respiratory Viral Season During the COVID-19 Pandemic", JAMDA, 2020.
Jeanine Rutten, MD, MSc, et. al., "Clinical Suspicion of COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents: Symptoms and Mortality Risk Factors", JAMDA, 2020.
Arif Nazir, MD, CMD, AGSF, FACP, et. al. "Time for an Upgrade in the Nursing Home Survey Process", JAMDA, 2020.
Available Credit = 0.25 CMD-Clinical

AMDA-On-The-Hill | Volume XVIII

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020

Questions? Email Alex at
Society Advocacy Leads to Positive Resolutions in COVID Relief Bill – Medicare Cuts Stopped
Providers get relief from Medicare cuts, but no liability protections in year-end legislative packages
AMDA COVID-19 Vaccine Education Toolkit
AMDA COVID-19 Resources Page 
From AMDA and ASCP: Monoclonal Antibody Treatment in Senior Care Environments
PALTC21 Virtual Annual Conference
Recorded: 12/20/2020

Thursday Dec 17, 2020

Presenter: Leslie Beth Eber, MD CMD
Host: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Recorded: December 16, 2020
Join special guest, Leslie Eber, MD, CMD, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for FMDA's last Journal Club session of 2020, COVID-19 Impact: Building Vaccine Confidence.
Our learning objectives for this session were:
Discuss what we need to do to build Vaccine Confidence across the PALTC continuum, and review current strategies and guidance
Provide an update around current vaccinations, Emergency Use Authorizations, and our next steps regarding vaccine distributions
Review what we know now after initial vaccine administration in other countries
Review the Vaccine pipeline and new updates regarding current and emerging therapeutics.
Discuss the State and Federal Vaccination distribution plans and phases and how it impacts PALTC clinical providers
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides Recorded: 12/16/2020Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Dec 07, 2020

Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
This episode describes current clinical trends and the differences that we are seeing with this current surge in cases, discusses recent clinical updates and relevant literature regarding vaccinations and monoclonal antibodies, reviews what we now know about COVID-19, it's manifestations, and the impact that we are seeing months later, and discusses ongoing facility preparedness, immunity, and revisits the plans to distribute the vaccine in our facilities.
Recording Date: 12/02/2020
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Saturday Dec 05, 2020

Dr. Gregory Gahm provides an overview of the rapidly evolving Covid vaccine situation and provide a summary of current data about the first 2 vaccines.
Recorded: 12/3/2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Dec 03, 2020

Join special guest, Alfonso Gonzalez-Rodriguez, MD, as he joins our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Navigating the Potholes.This episode reviews the latest stats and trends impacting our facilities during this pandemic, provides clinical updates and reviews relevant clinical literature, discusses operationalizing state and national guidance in our facilities, addresses the changes to our clinical providers workflow, and describes solutions and strategies implemented by our clinicians on the front lines.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recording Date:  11/04/2020
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020

Leslie Eber, MD., CMD, is the co-investigator for 2 CCTSI community engagement grants entitled “The Colorado Long Term Care Research Partnership: A Community Partnership and Research Collaboration to Promote Health for Residents of Long Term Care Communities.” She is co–founder of the Long Term Care Stakeholder Advisory Board which evaluates and helps engage long term care communities in research. Dr. Eber is the current President of the Colorado Medical Directors Association.She currently practices with Rocky Mountain Senior Care. With Rocky Mountain Senior Care their healing approach is to treat the “whole” person.  This means that, in addition to offering state of the art medical interventions appropriate to each individual, they embrace and honor all aspects of our patients – function, cognition, beliefs, emotions, spiritual and family relationships.  
"Colorado Medical Directors Association "
Mary Waltham, "What do Society and Association Members Really Want", Learned Publishing, 2008.
Samantha Green, "How to Make Society Membership Work for Professionals and Practicioners", Wiley, 2018.
Recorded On: 11/23/2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Nov 19, 2020

Special Guest: Ginny Hoar, PharmD
Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
This episode provides an update around the current vaccination trials and the reported progress, discusses the federal and state vaccination distribution plans, reviews the role of the LTC consultant pharmacist in distributing the vaccine, and describes the preparedness strategies that facilities will need to engage in to distribute this vaccine to their residents and staff.
Click here to view recording slides
Recorded: November 18, 2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

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