
Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA On-The-Go and all affiliate podcasts will now go by PALTtalk. Explore the field of post-acute and long-term care, with expert interviews, journal article reviews, innovations news, and more. Statements made by guests on this podcast are their own opinions and are not necessarily the positions of the assocation. Speakers’ appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their views, or any entity they represent.

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Thursday Sep 24, 2020

Special Guest: Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS
Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Recorded: September 23, 2020
Special guest, Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS; Associate Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, at University of Nebraska Medical Center, joins your host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: The Next Wave of Challenges.
This session: reviews the latest testing guidance from CMS for nursing facilities; discusses reopening guidance, and the steps we need to consider to assure the safety of our residents and staff; addresses preparedness to manage both COVID-19 and the flu in our facilities; describes where we are currently with this pandemic, and the vaccination trials that are ongoing; and analyzes what needs to be next in terms of infection control and prevention policies for PALTC.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit = 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Sep 17, 2020

This podcast will spotlight articles from the September 2020 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
"Preventive Antibiotic Use in Nursing Homes: A Not Uncommon Reason for Antibiotic Overprescribing", Philip D. Sloane MD, MPHa,b,*, Meera Tandan PhD a, Sheryl Zimmerman PhD, JAMDA, 9/2020.
"Challenges in Tracking and Reporting Antibiotic Use in Long-Term Care" – by H. Edward Davidson PharmD, MPH and Robin L.P. Jump MD, PhD. JAMDA, 9/2020.
"Leadership, Staff Empowerment, and the Retention of Nursing Assistants: Findings from a Survey of U.S. Nursing Homes." Authors: Clara Berridge PhD, MSWa, Julie Lima PhD, MPH, Margot Schwartz MPH, Christine Bishop PhD, Susan C. Miller PhD., JAMDA, 9/2020.
"Number of Pregnancies and Trajectory of Frailty Index: English Longitudinal Study of Ageing", Authors: Gotaro Kojima PhD, Kohei Ogawa MD, PhD, Steve Iliffe FRCGP, Yu Taniguchi PhD, and Kate Walters PhD., JAMDA, 9/2020.
Recorded on: 9/16/2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Sep 14, 2020

Special Guests: Connie Cheren, RN, MSW, LeadingAge Florida Clinical and Compliance Specialist; Dr. Karl Dhana, SVP Medical Affairs;  Robert Morin, Director of Facilities; Carmen Shell, SVP Health Center; and Stephen Shell, Risk Manager
Host: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special guests Connie Cheren, RN, MSW, LeadingAge Florida Clinical and Compliance Specialist; Dr. Karl Dhana, SVP Medical Affairs; Robert Morin, Director of Facilities; Carmen Shell, SVP Health Center; and Stephen Shell, Risk Manager, joined Dr. Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA's Journal Club.
This session addressed: the steps to take when starting or improving a COVID-19 unit; identifying the major infection control, operational, and staffing features that should be included in the planning process; learning about initiatives to avoid staff burnout, stress, and fear of contracting the virus; identifying ways to use PPE more efficiently without compromising the safety of staff; and how the medical director can support the COVID-19 care team.
Recorded: September 9, 2020
Click here to view the September 9, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Friday Aug 28, 2020

Barbara Resnick, PhD, CRNP is a Professor in the Department of Organizational Systems and Adult Health at the University of Maryland School of Nursing, co-directs the Biology and Behavior Across the Lifespan Research Center of Excellence, holds the Sonya Ziporkin Gershowitz Chair in Gerontology, and does clinical work at Roland Park Place. Her research program is focused on optimizing function and physical activity and other health promoting behaviors among older adults and testing implementation of interventions in real world settings.  Dr. Resnick has over 250 published articles, numerous chapters in nursing and medical textbooks, and books on Restorative Care and Resilience. She is the editor of Geriatric Nursing, an associate editor and on editorial board for numerous journals.  She has held leadership positions in multiple organizations including Presidency of the American Geriatrics Society and the Gerontological Society of America and has been recognized for numerous national awards.  
Flu Fact Sheets
National Adult Vaccination Program Newsletters
Recording Date: 8/27/2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

JAMDA On-The-Go | August 2020

Thursday Aug 27, 2020

Thursday Aug 27, 2020

This podcast will spotlight articles from the August 2020 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
James Alvin Low, et. al., "The Nuts and Bolts of Utilizing Telemedicine in Nursing Homes", JAMDA, 8/2020.
Laura Fanning, et. al., "Safety and Effectiveness of Direct Oral Anticoagulants vs Warfarin in People With Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia", JAMDA, 8/2020.
Zakia B. Shariff, et. al., "Does the Formulation of Oral Solid Dosage Forms Affect Acceptance and Adherence in Older Patients? A Mixed Methods Systematic Review", JAMDA 8/2020.
Morgan J. Katz, et. al., "Respiratory Practices in the Long-term Care Setting: A Human Factors–Based Risk Analysis", JAMDA, 8/2020.
Christine D. Jones, et. al., “What Would It Take to Transform Post-Acute Care?” 2019 Conference Proceedings on Re-envisioning Post-Acute Care, JAMDA, 8/2020.
Available Credit:0.25 CMD-Clinical


Thursday Aug 20, 2020

Thursday Aug 20, 2020

Questions? Email Alex at
AMDA Opposed to Cuts to SNF Visits in Proposed CY2021 Physician Fee Schedule – Will be Catastrophic to PALTC Practices and Cause Severe Shortage in Access to Care for America’s Seniors
 AMDA COVID-19 Page 
David A. Nace Appointed to CMS Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes
AMDA Telehealth Page
CMS Issues Proposed Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Proposed Rules; Changes to Telehealth Services Included
Senate Leadership Introduces New COVID Relief Package; Includes Nursing Home Support

Friday Aug 14, 2020

Special guest Dana Saffel, PharmD, DPh, CGP, FASCP, joins host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for the this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club. This session examines: emerging pharmaceutical research regarding treatments and vaccinations, current medications being utilized for the management of COVID-19 both in acute and subacute settings, compassionate medication use including how to address conflicting research, and insights into how we should be working with consultant pharmacists in our facilities.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recording Date: 08/12/2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020

Special Guest: Sean Cannone, DO, CMD
Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special guest, Sean Cannone, DO, CMD, joined Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, on this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club to discuss: the development of a population health strategy to meet the demands of this pandemic, the unique challenges presented by Nursing Homes and ALF’s, advocating for your health system at the local and state level, the steps required to meet the needs of a diverse population, and how Dr. Cannone’s team addressed social determinants of health and healthcare disparities.
Recorded: August 5, 2020Powerpoint Slides
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Friday Jul 31, 2020

Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Join Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club where we reviewed all relevant updates and research around COVID-19, clinical advances and emerging best care recommendations, and discussed healthcare disparities related to COVID-19 and the impacts across the PALTC Continuum
Recorded: July 29, 2020
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020

Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special Guests: Elaine Healy, MD, CMD; Elizabeth Vandevelde, ARNP
Recorded: July 21, 2020
Special guest panelists Elaine Healy, MD, CMD, and Elizabeth Vandevelde, ARNP, join host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, in their return to FMDA's Journal Club to discuss what conditions we're seeing s/p recovery from COVID-19, rehabilitation changes following this condition, and how we prepare to treat and manage patients who have persistent symptoms following recovery.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit:
0.25 CMD-Clinical

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