
Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA On-The-Go and all affiliate podcasts will now go by PALTtalk. Explore the field of post-acute and long-term care, with expert interviews, journal article reviews, innovations news, and more. Statements made by guests on this podcast are their own opinions and are not necessarily the positions of the assocation. Speakers’ appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their views, or any entity they represent.

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Monday Jun 15, 2020

Host: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Presenter: Robert A. Zorowitz, MD, MBA, AGSF, CMD
This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Robert A. Zorowitz, MD, MBA, FACP, AGSF, CMD, as he discusses telehealth in post-acute and long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recorded: June 10, 2020
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Jun 08, 2020

This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Joseph Mylotte, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Available Credit:
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday Jun 04, 2020

This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Marc Agronin, MD, as the Journal Club addresses the behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recording Date:  5/27/2020
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday Jun 01, 2020

With Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO,
Review all relevant updates and literature around COVID-19
Discuss data and revelations from ongoing clinical trials
Review emerging best practices
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides
Recording Date:  5/20/2020
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Friday May 29, 2020

Dr. Brandt is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science (PPS) and executive director of the Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
Dr. Steinman received his medical school training at Harvard Medical School and completed residency in primary care internal medicine at UCSF. He then joined the UCSF Division of Geriatrics for fellowships in the VA National Quality Scholars Program and the UCSF Clinical Geriatrics Fellowship. Dr. Steinman has been a member of the faculty in the UCSF Division of Geriatrics and at the San Francisco VA Medical Center since 2004.
Nancy E. Morden, et. al., "Accountable Prescribing", NEJM, 2013.
Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCP, et. al., "Optimizing Medication Management During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Implementation Guide For Post-Acute and Long-Term Care", U of MD School of Pharmacy, 2020.
Available Credit: 0.25 CMD-Clinical

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Questions? Email Alex at
AMDA Telehealth Page
AMDA Forum
AMDA Policy Statement: COVID-19 Testing Strategies Should Be Tailored to the Clinical Situation
AMDA Statement on the Reopening of Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Facilities
CMS: Nursing Home Reopening Recommendations for State and Local Officials
CMS Announces Independent Commission to Address Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes

Monday May 18, 2020

Presenter: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special Guests: Gregory James, DO, MPH, CMD; Renee Lebon, RN, NHA; Elizabeth VandeVelde, RN, MSN, ANP-CRN, MSN, ANP-C; and Bertha Carrion, ARNP, DNP, FNP. 
Topics include challenges around obtaining PPE, successes and barriers to treating in place and delivering care via telehealth, and the uphill battle of unnecessary hospitalizations.
Recorded May 13, 2020
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday May 11, 2020

This podcast will spotlight articles from the May 2020 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
Philip D. Sloane, MD, MPH; "Cruise ships, nursing homes, and prisons as COVID-19 epicenters", JAMDA Journal Pre-proof, 2020.
Matteo Cesari, Marco Proietti; "COVID-19 in Italy: Ageism and Decision Making in a Pandemic", JAMDA, May, 2020.
David Dosa, MD, MPH; "LTC Facilities and the Coronavirus Epidemic", JAMDA, May, 2020.
Benedetta Armocida, Beatrice Formenti, Silvia Ussai, Francesca Palestra, Eduardo Misson; The Italian health system and the COVID-19 challenge" Lancet, 2020.
"Hundreds of nursing homes with cases of coronavirus have violated federal infection-control rules in recent years", 2020.
Sheryl Zimmerman, PhD, et. al. ; "The Need to Include Assisted Living in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic", JAMDA, May, 2020.
"Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Among Residents and Staff Members of an Independent and Assisted Living Community for Older Adults — Seattle, Washington, 2020 ", CDC, April, 2020.
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Thursday May 07, 2020

Amy Vandenbroucke, JD Executive Dir., National POLST
Karl Steinberg, MD, HMDC, CMD,  President-Elect, AMDA
Marshall B. Kapp, MPH, JD, "Overcoming Legal Impediments to Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment", AMA Journal of Ethics, 2015.
National POLST
Recording Date:  5/5/2020
Available Credit:
0.25 CMD-Clinical

Monday May 04, 2020

Dr. Lynn Flint is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of Geriatrics and an attending physician on the Hospice and Palliative Care Service at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC). She provides inpatient palliative care consultation and nursing home care for older adults with complex chronic illness and functional and cognitive impairment.
Published Date: 05/04/2020
Shekinah A. Fashaw, MSPH, et. al; “"Thirty-year Trends in Nursing Home Composition and Quality Since the Passage of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act”, JAMDA, 2020.
James Fries; "The Compression of Morbidity", NCBI, 1980.
L. Flint, MD; “Rehabbed to Death: Breaking the Cycle”, JAGS, 2019.
J. Ouslander, MD, and D. Grabowski, PhD; "Rehabbed to Death Reframed: In Response to “Rehabbed to Death: Breaking the Cycle”"; JAGS, 2019.
Available Credit
0.25 CMD-Clinical

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