Effective August 13, 2024, AMDA On-The-Go and all affiliate podcasts will now go by PALTtalk. Explore the field of post-acute and long-term care, with expert interviews, journal article reviews, innovations news, and more. Statements made by guests on this podcast are their own opinions and are not necessarily the positions of the assocation. Speakers’ appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their views, or any entity they represent.

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
This podcast will spotlight articles from the October 2019 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
JAMDA-D-19-00763 Lower Extremity Impairment Parallels Cognitive Impairment as a Cause of Disability: A Call for Public Awareness
Ahmed JAMDA-D-19-00020 Gender differences in trajectories of lower extremity function in older adults: Findings from the International Mobility in Aging Study
Xu JAMDA-D-19-00084 Sedentary behavior, physical activity and all-cause mortality: dose-response and intensity weighted time-use meta-analysis Original Study

Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Antipsychotics for Delirium with Sing Palat, MD, CMD
Candida Auris with Fred Feinsod, MD, CMD
Antipsychotics for Delirium
Candida auris Colonization

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Dr. Levine is a practicing physician in New York City. He is Associate Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative care at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine, is a Certified Medical Director and Certified Wound-care Specialist Physician. Starting off as a fellowship trained geriatrician in long-term care, he developed wound care expertise in outpatient and hospital settings, recently returning to the PALTC environment. He has been actively involved in AMDA’s educational efforts in promoting wound care skills among primary care practitioners. Dr. Levine’s is an alumnus of the National Pressure Advisory Panel (NPUAP), and speaks widely and writes on the topic of wound care in older patients. His publications include the wound care chapter in the Geriatric Review Syllabus published by the American Geriatrics Society, and co-authored a book, Pocket Guide to Pressure Ulcers, published by the New Jersey Hospital Association, that is currently the wound guide of choice in many PALTC facilities across America. Dr. Levine also currently serves as wound care consultant for The New Jewish Home In Manhattan and Advantage Wound Care.
Mervis, J. S., et. al. "Pressure ulcers: Pathophysiology, epidemiology, risk factors, and presentation.", Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Oct., 2019.
J. M. Levine, AGSF, CMD et. al. “Reexamining the Literature on Terminal Ulcers, SCALE, Skin Failure, and Unavoidable Pressure Injuries", Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 2019.
J. M. Levine, AGSF, CMD; E. A. AYELLO, PHD, RN, "Pocket Guide to Pressure Ulcers" 4th Edition.
J. M. Levine, "Wound Care: What the Medical Director Needs to Know", Caring for the Ages, December, 2016.
L. Q. Corbett, et. al. "What Do Patients Want? Patient Preference in Wound Care", Advances in Wound Care, Aug., 2014.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
The latest policy news from Director of Policy and Advocacy Alex Bardakh.
Questions? Email Alex at
Related Resources:
Weekly Round-Up article about Hill Day
Navigating PALTC video on the need for trained and engaged medical directors
Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborate letter on the need for a directory of medical directors
Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program
Telemedicine resources

Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Dr. Karin Arsenault
Dr. Karin Andrenyi-Arsenault graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Anatomy from McGill University. She earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1994 and went on to receive a Master’s in Public Health in Health Care Management from Harvard University. She completed a Mini-Residency in Geriatric and Long-Term Care at the University of Minnesota. She held the position of Dental Director at the South Boston Community Health Center and later was involved in developing and implementing the group practice clinical system at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. In January, she returned to academia to pursue her interests in geriatrics and public health as Clinical Director of the Geriatric Center Program.
D. S. Michaud, et. al. “A Prospective Study of Periodontal disease and Pancreatic Cancer in US Male Health Professionals",, JNCI, 2007.
Catherine Saint Louis, In Nursing Homes, an Epidemic of Poor Dental Hygiene" NYT, 2013.
Helene Ragovin, For Most Seniors, Oral Health Goes Uncovered" Tufts Now, 2019.
"Experts discuss oral health disparities, issues affecting older Americans", ADANEWS, 2016.

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
JC 9 5 19 References.docx
TSH Target in Srs Lancet 15.docx
Rx Effects on Thyroid NEJM 19.pdf
Thyroid Presentation.pdf, Gregory Gahm, MD

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
This podcast will spotlight articles from the June 2019 issue of JAMDA. JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.
Host: Wayne Saltsman MD, PhD, CMD
Guests: Philip Sloane MD, MPH; Mallory Brown, MD
Dr. Platts-Mills, et. al., Increasing the Value of Emergency Visits for Long-term Care Patients: When Less is More and More is More", JAMDA, June 2019

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
The latest policy news from Director of Policy and Advocacy Alex Bardakh.
Questions? Email Alex at
Related Resources:
Article on Physician Fee Schedule and Quality Payment Program Proposed Rules
Article on Skilled Nursing Facilities Final FY 2020 Payment and Policy Changes Rule
Info on Advanced Alternative Payment Models

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Dr. Steven Fuller
Dr. Steven Fuller earned his master’s degree and Ph.D. in physiology, and his D.O. in human medicine at Michigan State. He completed his internal medicine training at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, and completed his pulmonary and critical care training at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he remained as an associate in the physiology department for several years. Fuller is the founder and president of House Calls, a service that delivers onsite primary care to retirement communities. Additionally, he is the founder and president of Illumination Analytics, a health analytics service that measures and tracks the health of assisted living residents. Fuller also founded and currently serves as the president of Straight Line Connect, an online program that teaches assisted living community staff how to prevent hospital readmissions.He is a triple board certified physician/entrepreneur who develops programs in support of an Integrated Care model of senior housing. This model includes 3 equal, interactive, and mutually supportive team members: real estate, hospitality, and healthcare.
Fuller, Steven, PhD, “Seven Challenges Assisted Living Must Get Right",, Caring for the Ages, 2019.
Fuller, Steven, et. al., Blog | Illumination Analytics
"Life and Death in Assisted Living”, Frontline July, 2013
National Center for Assisted Living
Center for Excellence in Assisted Living

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Eric Yeager, MD Travis Neill, PA-C, MMS Assistant Medical Director - Vivage
Cedric Daubin, "Procalcitonin algorithm to guide initial antibiotic therapy in acute exacerbations of COPD admitted to the ICU: a randomized multicenter study", Springer, 2018
Eosinophilic inflammation in COPD: prevalence and clinical characteristics", Agora Research Letters
Travis Neill, COPD Pearls" PA-C, 8/1/19
Anthony W Huckle, et. al.,"Prophylactic Antibiotic Use in COPD and the Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Antibiotics", Respiratory Care, May, 2018
Yaeger, Abx in COPD working document